Shooting in Béarn and the Basque Country

Filming supported by Agence du Film 64

The film and audiovisual sector in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques welcomes a wide variety of projects: feature films, series, TV movies, shorts, documentaries, etc… Productions are filmed in Béarn, the Basque country, mountains, countryside and coastline, as well as in the cities of Pau, Biarritz, Anglet, Bayonne… Agence du Film64 has supported local, national and international productions: Spanish, Canadian, Chinese…
The film and audiovisual sector in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques welcomes a wide variety of projects: feature films, series, TV movies, shorts, documentaries, etc… Productions are filmed in Béarn, the Basque country, mountains, countryside and coastline, as well as in the cities of Pau, Biarritz, Anglet, Bayonne… Agence du Film64 has supported local, national and international productions: Spanish, Canadian, Chinese…

2024 : Series – Feature films – Documentaries


Title: La recrue
Production: En voiture Simone
Location: Biarritz and Bayonne

Title: Erica
Production: Potomak reaz – JLA
Location: Basque Country

Title: High season (pilot)
Production: Summertime Prod – France2
Location : Basque coastline

Title : Ma mère est une espionne
Production :
Location : Anglet

Feature films

Title: Carjackers
Production: Amazon Gaumont
Location: Basque Coast

Press coverage:
Sud-Ouest 19/02/24

Title: Muga
Location: Bayonne and surrounding area

Title : Pétronille, la comtesse aux 5 maris
Production: Isard Film Production
Location: Béarn

Title : La Infiltrada
Production: La Infiltrada
Location: Corniche Urrugne

Title: Santuario
Production: Netflix
Location: Basque Country

Title: Karmele
Production: Txintxua – LIVE ONCE
Location: Bayonne and Ustaritz

Title: Regarde
Production: Chapka Films
Location: Hendaye and Urrugne

Title: Sur la Route de Papa
Production: GAD Production
Location: Izpegi, Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry

Title : Les orphelins
Production: INOXY Films
Location: Biarritz and surrounding area

Press coverage:
La République des Pyrénées – 09/07/2024

Title: Hasta la vista
Same Player
Location: Biarritz and surrounding area


Title : Le procès des Sorcières du Labourd
Location: Corniche basque

Title: Mes ancêtres cagots
France 3
Location: Montaner

Short films

Title : Par delà les montagnes
Production: Don Quichotte Films
Location: Accous

Title : Lola
Production: Les dissociés
Location: Bayonne

Title: Respire
Location: Bayonne

Title: Tsunami
Production: Collection Talents Adami Cinéma
Location: Biarritz, Hendaye

Title: Mal roulante
Production: D-Vox
Location: Hendaye

Title: Impair
Production: Les films de l’horizon
Location: Pau

Title: The future is yours
Production: Miles
Location: Pau, Biganos

2023: Series – Feature film – Documentary – Shorts 


Title : The Recruit
Production: EVS Productions
Distribution: TF1
Location: Basque Country
Length of shoot: 62 days (including January 2024)

Feature films

Title: Sang Craché des lèvres belles
Production: The Dark
Location: Urdos


Title: Once upon a time, there was surfing
Production: Yami 2
Location: Biarritz and Bidart
Length of shoot: 5 days

Short films

Title: Petit Ruban
Production: Jonas Film
Location: Pau, Accous and surrounding area
Length of shoot: 6 days

Title: Filles de Biarritz
Production: Nac Films
Location: Biarritz
Length of shoot: 5 days

Title: Kononi
Production: B Egia Zinemagintza
Location: Hendaye
Length of shoot: 3 days

Title: Gazoline
Director: Baptiste Charlier
Production: Plan2 – Picseyes
Location: Ustaritz
Length of shoot: 7 days

Press coverage:
Sud-Ouest 03/08/23

Title : Le temps d’une comète
Production: BTS AV de Toulouse
Location: Biarritz
Length of shoot: 1 day

Title : La route des sommets Production: Empari Films – 3IS Location: Biarritz Shooting time: 1 day

Title : Bolero
Director: Nans Laborde Jourdàa
Producer: Margaux Lorier
Dancer: François Chaignaud

2022: Series – Television films – Feature films – Short films – Documentaries


Title: Balenciaga
Director: J. Garaño, J.M. Goenaga, A. Arregi
Production: Moriarti e Irusoin for Disney +
Location: Bayonne, Biarritz
Length of shoot: 20 days

Press coverage:
Courrier Français 30/09/22
Sud-Ouest 22/09/22

Title : Las Pelotaris
Production: Globomedia
Location: Biarritz
Length of shoot: 6 days

Press coverage:
Courrier Français 30/09/22
Sud-Ouest 22/09/22

Title: Filles de feu
Director: M. Richard-Serrano
Production: KWAY Productions for France 2
Location: Basque Country
Length of shoot: 35 days

Press coverage:
Sud-Ouest 28/08/23

TV movies

Title: Meurtres en Béarn
Production: Zadig productions for France TV
Location: Sauveterre-de-Béarn, Oloron-Ste-Marie, Pau
Length of shoot: 20 days

Press coverage:
Courrier Français 09/30/22
Sud-Ouest Béarn 02/18/23

Title : Prométhée
Production: UGC Fiction
Location: Oloron-Ste-Marie, Biarritz
Length of shoot: 19 days


Title: 20,000 Species of Bees
Director: Estibaliz Urresola
Production: Gariza Films and Inicia Films
Location: Hendaye
Length of shoot: 1 day

Feature films

Title: Scarlet blue bleue ecarlate
Director: A. Mengin
Production: 1100 films
Location: Basque Coast
Length of shoot: 20 days

Title : Las buenas companias / The Border
Director: S. Munt
Production: Irusoin/Oberon média/Manny/La fidèle production/Filmax
Location: Basque Coast
Length of shoot: 5 days

Press coverage:
Courrier Français 30/09/22
Sud-Ouest 22/09/22
Sud-Ouest 23/09/22

Short films

Title : Boléro
Director: Nans Laborde-Jourda
Production: Wrong Films
Location: Oloron
Length of shoot: 6 days

Press coverage:
La République des Pyrénées 2/04/23
Sud-Ouest Béarn 9/05/23
La République des Pyrénées 25/5/23
Sud-Ouest Béarn 25/05/23
La République des Pyrénées 29/09/23

2021 : Series – TV movies – Feature films


Title: Toutes ces choses
Production: TCC Production
Location: Hôtel Palais Biarritz
Length of shoot: 4 days

Title : Le voyageur 6
Director: P. Dajoux
Production: France 3
Location: Basque Country
Length of shoot: 21 days

Title: Nina & the Pig
Director: D. Delbos Jacob
Production: Mamalova Productions
Location: Vallée d’Aspe, Aldudes
Length of shoot: 22 days

Title: Intimidad
Director: L. rodriguez
Production: Initimidad Films
Location: Socoa
Length of shoot: 1 day

Title: ¡Garcia!
Director: E. Mira
Production: Zeta Studios/HBO Max
Location: Urdos, Vallée d’Aspe
Length of shoot: 9 days

Title : Marleau la killeuse
Director: J. Dayan
Production: Passionfilms
Location: St-Jean-de-Luz
Length of shoot: 19 days

TV movies

Title: On n’efface pas les souvenirs
Director: A. Darraux
Production: France 2
Location: Pau, Laruns, Accous
Length of shoot: 12 days

Title: Maman a disparu
Director: F. Basset
Production: Fontaram Productions
Location: St-Jean-Pied-de-Port
Length of shoot: 21 days

Press coverage:
Sud-Ouest 14/03/23

Feature films

Title : Les Liaisons dangereuses 2.0
Director: R. Suissa
Production: Autopilot – netflix
Location: Biarritz and surrounding area
Length of shoot: 35 days

2020 : Series – Telefilms – Feature film – Short film – Documentary – Flux


Title: Infidèle 2
Director: D. Le Pêcheur
Production: Storia TV
Location: Basque Country
Length of shoot: 41 days

Title : La Promesse
Production: Arezzo Films
Location: Bayonne, Anglet
Length of shoot: 4 days

Title: J’ai menti
Director: F. Berthe
Production: Les Films du 24
Location: Basque Country
Length of shoot: 61 days

Title: Enquête à coeur ouvert
Production: Franco (Léonis production) – Belgian
Location: Basque Country
Length of shoot: 35 days

Title: En famille
Production: M6
Location: Biarritz
Length of shoot: 6 days

TV movies

Title: Je te veux moi non plus
Director: R. Lauga
Production: Monkey Pack Films
Location: Basque coast
Length of shoot: 25 days

Title: On n’efface pas les souvenirs
Director: A. Darraux
Production: France 2
Location: Pau, Laruns, Accous
Length of shoot: 26 days

Feature films

Title: Grev
Director: M. Yegin
Production: Kanata Production (Canada) / co pro basque Gasti beltza
Location: Baigorri (mountain)
Length of shoot: 1 day

Short films

Title : Pompidou
Director: V. Sillam
Production: Jonas Film
Location: Bidarray
Length of shoot: 3 days


Title: Nos terres inconnues
Production: Philippe Baisadouli
Location: Vallée d’Aspe, Soule
Length of shoot: 6 days


Title: Carte aux Trésors
Director: France 3
Production: 99 % média
Location: Basque Country, Béarn
Length of shoot: 3 days

2019 : Feature films – Series – Shorts – Docu Fiction


Title: Patria
Director: P. Trapero, F. Viscarret
Production: Aïtor Galilondo – Alea Media
Location: Irun border, Dancharia, quays St-Jean-de-Luz, Sare
Length of shoot: 3 days

Title: Mongeville
Director: E. Baily
Production: France télévision et Son et Lumière
Location: Vallée d’Aspe (Sanchèse), Nay/Issor
Length of shoot: 21 days

Title: Romance
Director: H. Hadmar
Production: France 2
Location: Basque coast
Length of shoot: 14 days

Title: Ihesaldia Basauri
Production: Pausoka entertainment, La fidèle production
Location: Basque Coast
Length of shoot: 3 days

Title: Infidèle 2
Director: D. Lepêcheur
Production: TF1
Location: Basque Coast
Length of shoot: 10 days

Feature films

Title : Akelarre
Director: P. Aguero
Production: La Fidèle Production
Location: Sare
Length of shoot: 11 days

Title : Atarrabi and Mikelats
Director: E. Green
Production: Noodles Production
Location: Soule
Length of shoot: 26 days

Title: Maddy Etcheban
Director: R. Manzo
Production: François Aramburu
Location: Basque Country (Brindos, CFA Bayonne, St-Jean-de-Luz)
Length of shoot: 25 days

Title: Nora
Director: L. Izagirre
Production: La fidèle production
Location: St-Jean-de-Luz, Ciboure, Hendaye, Crêtes
Length of shoot: 6 days

Title : Le Chaman
Director: Ugo-groupe Roche Diabetes Care
Production: St Gingembre production
Location: Bilhères, Castet (lake)
Length of shoot: 4 days

Title: 100 % Bio
Director: F. Otnteniente
Production: 3ème oeil story
Location: Coast, Basque Country
Length of shoot: 22 days

Title : After blue
Director: B. Mandico
Production: Ecce Films
Location: La Pierre-St-Martin, Gorges de Kakuetta

Short films

Title : La fille oblique
Director: M. Delaunay
Production: Barberousse Films
Location: Ossau Valley
Length of shoot: 8 days

Title: Nuage
Director: J. Darcy Hopkins
Production: To be continued
Location: Accous, Bielle
Length of shoot: 5 days

Title : La saison des sanguins
Director: C. Pignal
Production: Dronecamer
Locations: St-Palais, St-Etienne-de-Baigorry, Guetharry
Length of shoot: 6 days

Docus fictions

Title : La linea invisible
Director: M. Barroso
Production: Movistar TV
Location: Basque coast, Port Socoa, Dancharia border
Length of shoot: 3 days

2018 : Feature films – Shorts – Series – Documentary


Title: Mongeville
Director: B. Delmas
Production: Production Son et lumière
Location: Bayonne
Length of shoot: 7 days

Title: Infidèle
Director: D. Lepêcheur
Production: Storia Télévision et diffusion TF1
Location: Basque Coast (Ciboure)
Length of shoot: 13 weeks

Title: Crocodile and Toothpick bird
Director: L. Yan
Production: Ghosts City
Location: La Pierre-St-Martin
Length of shoot: 2 days

Feature films

Title : Le Daim
Director: Q. Dupieux
Production: Atelier de production
Location: Vallée d’Aspe (various sites)
Length of shoot: 5 weeks

Title: Waiting for Anya
Director: B. Cookson
Production: Bad Penny Production
Location: Bedous, Accous, Laruns
Length of shoot: 6 weeks

Title: Chamboultout / La course de la mouette
Director: E. Lavaine
Production: Same Player
Location: Basque Coast (St-Jean-de-Luz)
Length of shoot: 4 weeks

Title: Mon chien stupide
Director: Y. Attal
Production: Same Player
Locations: Arcangues, beaches, corniche, Biarritz train station
Length of shoot: 7 weeks

Title: Je suis là
Director: E. Lartigau
Production: Rectangle Production
Location: St-Jean-de-Luz
Length of shoot: 20 days

Short films

Title : Le voyage de yashar
Director: S. de Monbrison
Production: Les films de l’autre cougar
Location: Vallée Aspe (various locations)
Length of shoot: 10 days

Title : Les Intranquilles
Director: M. Vermillard
Production: Les films de l’imprudence
Location: Hendaye
Length of shoot: 8 days

Title : La fille oblique
Director: M. Delaunay
Length of shoot: 7 days


Title: Un viaje hacia nosotros
Director: P. Viyuela
Production: Montserrat Ogalla
Location: Gurs
Length of shoot: 4 days


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